Friday, December 31, 2021
Janus Poems, 2022
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Sinking Boat
Note: This poem is in response to my former sangha, the San Francisco Zen Center, having adopted a Neo-Marxist agenda. Identity politics, which have nothing to do with Buddhism, are now central to the culture of the temple and have usurped in primacy the ancient teaching of Zen, which eschews any notion of clinging to an identity, and certainly not a politicized one.
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Return to Tomorrow
Beside the tide you stood,
The sea looked into you.
The silver scales on its surface
Before a spectral stage
You parted the curtain of waves,
Dream entranced…
An artery of moonlight bled
Into the unconscious,
A silver vein of infinite regression
Within and without,
An eternal chain of intimate kinship
Returning to tomorrow.
Your body a mirage,
Lucidly you plunged into the impossible current
That perilously carried you far out to sea,
Pulled you suddenly into the flood of pulsing blood
Pumping lethally beneath the surface.
Your body was liberated
Into a fish, then a bird.
Your entire body was hands and eyes,
A change happening
So quickly.
You gained direction from the night,
Learned and understood your destination.
Just like papa’s seed
To the womb of she who birthed you.
And you had a long way to fly
Along a magnetic ray to conception.
And now you have a further journey;
To return to tomorrow.
How perfectly naked they were
When they were born.
No one remembers
How even more naked they were
When they were unborn.
Of where you come from.
No one can see that far
Across the ocean.
No one can remember such a dream.
Do you wonder now, in another dream,
Who you really are?
Someday in a waking dream
You will return to tomorrow,
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Padded warily home through the biting cold,
Storming in polar fragments.
Inside the confusing cage of their room
They starved like a ravenous beast in the dark,
"Man is my master, still?"
"Man is still my tormentor?"
They lunged at the prey of their own shadow
Which eluded them outside the cage.
The man's brain, the wolf's heart
The man and wolf could no longer endure
The stars and fire that throbbed in their head,
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Turning Word
flowing of the vast ocean.
have not yet attained these utmost depths…”
12th century Chinese Zen apprentice
wave the turning word
Of a
which the wind and sky pivot
the Ten Directions
Throughout the Ten Ages.
the wave points to!
the wind and sky dance upon!
The wave breaks-
The subtle Dharma Gate
The wave spills-
The subtle Dharma Eye
It is unusual for me to provide notes to my work, but I thought that in this instance it was appropriate given the use of Buddhist terminology that might be foreign to the reader. They are, of course, longer than the poem.
Turning word; a word or phrase that ignites insight into a koan. One may have encountered the koan many times previously, or perhaps for the first time, but on this occasion a revolution in understanding of it, and of thus the Buddha way, occurs.
The Ten Ages are: the Past within the Past, the Past within
the Present, the Past within the Future, the Present within the Past, the
Present within the Present, the Present within the Future, the Future within
the Past, the Future within the Present, the Future within the Future, and Now.
A Dharma Gate; a place to enter a fresh and broader understanding of life, a more authentic one freed from previous delusion..
The Dharma Eye; one gains a glimpse of life's dream-likeness, its unsubstantiality in the moment, that is, its emptiness.. It is after this apprehension of emptiness that the Dharma Eye opens. It brings the vision that doesn't cling to the dream-like emptiness but returns to the here and now of ordinary mind and ordinary reality, which is extraordinary. Further, the dharma eye specifically refers to the realization of Buddha's awakening that is not contained in the written words of the sutras.
Tathata, or suchness. The true, concrete essence or nature of things before ideas or words about them. It is often best revealed in the seemingly mundane or meaningless, such as noticing the way the wind blows through a field of grass, or watching someone's face light up as they smile.
Thursday, September 2, 2021
The Wand of Time
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Hole In The Sky
Streaming down,
The raw universe;
Twisting prism of one long memory
Streaming for light years
Through the air of dreamers.
Attenuated reflections of faces and stars
Inside the union of mirrors
Stretching for millions of miles-
The concreteness of space
The abstractness of rock
The transient eternal
Streaming mad and naked
Within the diaspora of reflections
Barreling down and down
Through an enormous hole in the sky,
An avalanche of infinity
In which the stars have nowhere to
Moonlight in mirrors
Imploding in a vacuum of silver,
A long tornado of mirrors,
The great mirror of the present moment
Become one vast window.
A whirling funnel of dream and existence
A centrifuge of mind
Uncoupled from reason,
Volute navel
Of the pregnant heavens,
Absurd womb
From which my very first cell was
Inside that labyrinth.
My torqued soul
Screwing in the astral winds,
Unlocking the first gate
With the birth pangs
Of my mother.
My torqued soul
Screwing inside the wind-blown
Of existence
Unlocking the final gate
With the death pangs
Of my body.
The silver and violet fabric of space
Torn wide open,
The garments of the soul burst and rent,
The All naked before sight,
The flesh of day, the flesh of
Nude stars doffing rays of light,
Their holy vestures unraveling in threads
of fire.
My soul raving in rags
Of thought and speech,
My head singing
Amidst all these sparkles of one
An invisible assembly of a trillion
Gods, demons, angels -
An ocean of Spirit where spins
A cyclone of whirling souls
As flies lay eggs
In the carcasses of lizards
That ants carry away to their nests.
Far in the desert, one broken signpost
With nothing written on it.
In a dream you understand anyway
The direction you must go.
You knock at the door of a house
Assembled from a myriad of contradictions.
On it is inscribed in a frenzied hand,
The wind kicks up.
All at once
You have an epiphany of being
Aroused by the commonplace of dust.
Your knock goes unanswered.
Back into the desert you wander
Lost inside a dream.
At the nexus of chaos and order.
You are their bursting limen
Where mantic galaxies scream prophecies
Contained in the Book of the Muses.
An automatic script
Written on the clay tablet of
An ancient lullaby
Beside the orphan cradle of
A bawling infant
Raised in poverty of understanding
By the hopelessly tragic grandmother
Of strange mystery
Your thought like a runner after a
A dancer after an exhausting dance
Your mind is a very small cog
In a vast machine
Which assembles atoms into the universe,
That eternally manufactures wonder
and pain.
You labor for a lifetime
Covered in the sweat of celestial
In the divine economy.
This sweat is your capital.
You own the universe.
You consume it in illimitable privacy.
In this tornado of dream ,
In this whirling funnel of existence
Faith you have, and intuition too.
Both beyond reason
That is perfected by reason
When it surrenders to the absurd,
When it leaps into the window beyond
With faith
And the tornado which never ceases,
And the centrifuge which never cools
And the hole in the sky
Which never closes
Are all only a mere intuition of perception
As body and mind are dropped.
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Adam Kadmon
Friday, July 16, 2021
I Refuse to Submit
I will never submit to facial recognition
Nor to electronic fingerprinting,
Of having my bodily identity
Uploaded into a political data grid.
Not the soul in my face
Not the soul that reaches down into my fingers
To be profiled before the electronic surveillance State
As its programs calculate and determine
Whether I am a docile sheep
And without dissent support it.
Of a totalitarian society
To the robotic abattoir of psychic slaughter
By techno-fiends whose machinations coerce
The diminishing terrain of a slender future
Where humans are driven through networked gates
And down automated ramps to their ruin.
If it ever comes to this
I would rather starve to death
Or freely by my own hands
Die with defiant courage.
Monday, May 31, 2021
My Tea With An Ancient Chinese General
Little toy soldiers
About Me

- Jon Achilles Landon
- Greetings, My name is Jon Landon. I am a native of the San Francisco Bay Area. I I can write everything from Poetry to Technical Writing, I am a UC Berkeley Alumni ('88)