Unseen seas within you sound…intimately…
Spiraling currents of space weave slowly round
An absence living deep inside, without bound
Its murmur dreaming you out…infinitely…
And you are all that you know... this vast depth
That within you flows… layers of being
Billowing out, liquidly emptying
In hollow waves of sound… a long song of breath…
Birds cries, galing winds, screeling sands, tide impacts.
The sound of every force and form that has moved
Across the seas… indelibly grooved
Within your core… one vast note held awax…
Measure after measure, which your ear begins
To behold … to encircle… each instance
That unfolds as you deepen into trance,
Awakening as you look into the winds…
Listening steadfastly to your treasure store
Resounding with boundless echoing
This teeming absence within… beckoning
You to the entrance of the ocean’s endless roar…
Spiraling currents of space weave slowly round
An absence living deep inside, without bound
Its murmur dreaming you out…infinitely…
And you are all that you know... this vast depth
That within you flows… layers of being
Billowing out, liquidly emptying
In hollow waves of sound… a long song of breath…
Birds cries, galing winds, screeling sands, tide impacts.
The sound of every force and form that has moved
Across the seas… indelibly grooved
Within your core… one vast note held awax…
Measure after measure, which your ear begins
To behold … to encircle… each instance
That unfolds as you deepen into trance,
Awakening as you look into the winds…
Listening steadfastly to your treasure store
Resounding with boundless echoing
This teeming absence within… beckoning
You to the entrance of the ocean’s endless roar…
JAL circa 93
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