Monday, February 23, 2015

Porcelain Breeze

Rising before me,
Six feet tall,
A magnificent Chinese vase.

Like a window 
My imagination opens 
And expands
Within its stillness

I enter deeper
Into its perpetual harmony,
Into new paradigms,
And breeze across its surface
Into an artist's vision 
Come alive from the Yuan dynasty.  
Deeper and deeper inside
I expand 
In the fire of its creation, 
In the deep breath of air within it, 
In the cool water of its shape 
And the earthen clay of its substance.
Breeze into its empty interior
Where all possibility lies,
Breeze to the whirring center
Of a potter's wheel whose hands
Shaped the potential of clay
Into a solid reality 
Of priceless beauty.

Like a tree 
I stare into a tall mulberry upon it,
Bending gently in the wind
Upon a cobalt hillside and
Blossoming profusely in a white sky,
Its petals snowing to the ground.
I marvel as its blue-white flowers
Rotate perpetually in a porcelain breeze
Astride a glaze of wind
That flows in  a ceaseless fountain 
Of quiet victory.
I follow its fluid curvature
To the completion of its arc
And take an excursion at its edge
Upon an azure bridge that leads
To what exists one step beyond
On the next inflection of this vase-
A distant shore,
Another state of existence-
Confirmed by art,
That the artist painted there 
From his imagination
Which I cannot see,
But imagine.

Seasons wander among cerulean blossoms falling
In the blanching heat of a summer day
As the white surface of the vase transforms
Into a quiet, winter scene inside these mountains
Of sunless cobalt ridges embraced
By melting, azure bridges in an emergent spring
With nothing before them,
Nothing behind them, 
And nothing in between, 
Spanning a
chasm that opens onto a path 
Everywhere released
Inside these autumn mountains,
A bridge spanning a river of vision
Of what is made real
By the imagination. 
Footfalls within the imagination 
Reverberate into new patterns
And reassemble the delicate surface 
Of perception,
Internalizing the external scene
Painted on a vase.
Inside the painting
I arise before the dawn,
A pilgrim emerging
from a hermitage
To climb an arduous, ascending path
And venture higher into these ridges alone,
There to laugh and sing- unseen and unheard,
My heart, my imagination expanded,
Escaped from the exile of these Chinese streets
And regenerated.

Resting in the hollow of a stray, wild mulberry
Where setting suns and emperors rest,
I feel my soul
weaving like a silkworm
A home from her marrow
For none but herself,
Transformed by the threads of her own body,
Winding round and round in a weird undergoing
Of forming wings within
The excellence of the heart 
That will always strive to break free
And fly upward to beauty through Art
And find its Way. 



I saw this vase in a bank display window in one of the cities I visited when I lived in China between '05-07, probably Jiangyin but possibly Qingdao, where I was living at the time when I began this poem. 

In Chinese folk lore, the setting sun and emperors were said to rest in the hollows of a mulberry tree trunk.  

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Greetings, My name is Jon Landon. I am a native of the San Francisco Bay Area. I I can write everything from Poetry to Technical Writing, I am a UC Berkeley Alumni ('88)