Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Ephemeris And The Hourglass (Brahman's Sleep)







The pendant moon glistens in the necklace     
Of gemmed stars that swiftly liquesce            
Like grains of sand purling through an hourglass--
A spiral river of spacetime spilling en masse 
Into a dilating desert abyss.      

The pages of an ephemeris in the wind   
Rifle past as time is measured in seconds
And centuries
Rifled in the last cosmic winds twirl,
Their tables of the heavens and all the worlds
Leafed by those winds and stored in blessedness
Inside a cloud so small and nebulous

The gravid womb of vacant, endless space         
Pregnant with the deep, immeasurable sleep  
Of Brahman lost in a coma       
Deeper than love,  deeper more than bliss,      
Once again, Brahman completely senseless:    

Gravity absorbed into a sunless void,
Time an endless chain of zeroes unleashed
As Space dissolves all constraints  are released
And the external universe destroyed,
Samadhi the only state still enjoyed

Containing one last diamond grain of sand
Slipping finally through the hourglass, this kernel
Of memory retaining that vast cosmic journal
Complete in substance and entire of plan,
The template of cosmogenesis and of man

But now the ground of Being, insentient, retires:
Forms erased, force held in suspension           
Property dissolved of all dimension,
The fourteen planes of existence expire       
As godhead gains the sleep it requires

Here Brahman profoundly consumed in the sleep
Of Mahapralaya, for yugas, kalpas
And mahakalpas of Omegas and Alphas
Dreaming the next cycle, meditating deep
On one more cosmic drama of vast sweep
From out of the nothingness of nothingness

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Greetings, My name is Jon Landon. I am a native of the San Francisco Bay Area. I I can write everything from Poetry to Technical Writing, I am a UC Berkeley Alumni ('88)