The first words of the first line uttered in any poem
Are the most important,
Are the most important,
Unhesitating and decisive as the Lion
That sinks its teeth into the neck of the Giraffe
Bringing down the raw meat of the infinite day
On the plains of sun that never set
As the moon stalks the Earth
As the moon stalks the Earth
In the diatonic footsteps of thought that speak
In riddles when they cross the rivers of dessert
And arrive at ruined bridges that can’t
But must be crossed
Thus it was when God first spoke his first words,
"Let there be…"
Wherein she allowed for everything.
That took blood and guts.
And it unleashed a torrent of both.
For ten eternities
For ten eternities
If terror had an identity it would be
If horror had an identity it would be
If terror and horror looked each other unspeakably
Eye to eye, it would be like the finely carved faces
Upon the alabaster stoppers of the canopic jars
Containinng the organs of pharoah and queen
In a tomb inside the valley of the kings
Placed closed together in endless analysis
Staring deeply into each other for
An airtight eternity
Airless, preserving the contents
Of their animal soul to wander through ten eternities
Eating of space and time, digesting dreams and nightmares
The food of black gut feelings
Turned into the flesh of darkness inside the night,
The flesh of darkness of terror and horror
The flesh of darkness of terror and horror
To in time again awaken and divest themselves of darkness
After ten eternities in which they might finally embrace
After ten eternities in which they might finally embrace
And the first words they would speak to each
Would be most important when One finally
Who would give in first, terror or horror?
How long would it remain a question?
Is it possible that they truly respected
One the Other?
Such long analysis would have to breed
Perhaps even admiration, but could they
Possibly ever actually, really, truly
Love Themselves Together as One
Even as King and Queen, as Man and Woman.
Realize, these faces are brilliant
They remember everything, have total recall.
No fact of the universe alludes them
The insights of terror and horror
Into the nature of existence are profound
Into the nature of existence are profound
And this high mental prowess is theirs because
They have paid perfect, absolute attention for Aeons,
Because they have no doubt, no fear...
Absolutely nothing save absolute nothing can scare them...
Absolutely nothing save absolute nothing can scare them...
Look into these faces:
There is such fierce tranquility
As they look into each other's eyes,
Repeating back and forth to one another
"I know... I know...I know...I know..."!
For another ten eternities....
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