Monday, November 30, 2020

Seas of the Moon


The Earth is the far, distant shore
For tides that invisibly pour
From more than  a score of lunar seas-
Influences that fill the breeze...
Lashing lunar tides laden with fertile lees
Of luminous moonlight
Washing over in the dew of night.
These seas that spume in milky waves 
Upon the orb of moon
And reach the earth, the prima materia,
For the Moon and the influence in her rays
To become silver in cryptic waves of alchemy
Each night.
The milk and blood of the Moon,
Her paps, her womb.
This nourishment of which the Earth partakes
In the lunacy of nights 
That triumph in the moonlight
Over fear and bewilderment,
That triumph in the moonlight
Over loss and abandonment.
In a hysteria of emotions, this prima materia
Which lunar rays ignite
Into Understanding
That comes to resolve in peace
As the Moon rolls rapidly through the zodiac
And the seas upon her surface forever rage in poetry...


 Sea of  Serenity

Dolphins swim to the depths of centaur music,
Their moon-lit notes of every color pervading the waves
As mermaids lounge upon the shore, basking
In serenity-

Statues of  moonlight
They come and go into the sea
Moving with the dolphins,
Basking in serenity
Where ever they go

As the centaurs play on...

Sea of  Tranquility

A wind comes.
Slowly it breasts still waters
Stirring only the motion of tranquility within,
Inhaling a breath of quiet
Taken in  a long pause
The length of the sea.

Its surface one
Of perfect, unruffled tranquility
That floats through the heavens.


Sea of Serpents

Far out at sea an ill tide swags
In coils of waves that crest like fangs.
A blaze of Lamia scales 
Upon the twisting multitude of serpents
Whose heads emerge from seething waves
That bleed like fatal wounds;
This sea a poisonous bite
In the side of the moon
An angry wound that never heals
From which monstrous serpents breed,  
A spew of writhing knots… heads, bellies, and tails...
Riding tortuous waves vomited forth by this sea
That uncoil in  lightning strikes,
Snapping at each other
In knots of pain and controversy
Atop a poisonous surface.

Swarming frantically,
A cunning tide crawling across a cunning sea.
Waves of uncoiling subtlety
Crashing sinuously
In lightning strikes of serpent heads
Continuously lunging at the shore.

Awful fangs discharging 
Venomous knowledge upon the beach,
Antidote for sickening madness
Writhing in serpentine waves of deceit,
Consuming the sands of shore in wisdom,
This lethal bite splashing with medicine and vice.
The tide overflowing with serpent bodies
Spewing into the space
Between the moon and earth,
This domain of the sting of serpents
Whose heads are scattered upon the waters.
Rampant  serpentine waves

Of the Sea of Serpents
That vomits forth this vile, scaly brood
That swims this sea of the moon.


Sea of Nectar

When the moon is shaped like a chalice,
A sweetness of night flowers 
Grow in jasmine breezes...
The crescent moon fills itself
With visual purple, 
This nectar that brims within the eyes
Spilling over into the aqua vitae of the ethers,
Pooling into this sea before her lips
That become a kiss from the infinite.

The fumes of this wine
In wisps of clouds around the Moon
Which the eye drinks.
The taste of ecstasy,
The nectar of this sea 
That pours from the moon every night.

Sea of Cold

Deep in the bones know well
The cold of this sea
The frozen ache
Between the joints of thoughts
That fuse in beams of cold moonlight,
Tying bitter, wintry feelings together
In frost-bound knots 
Of rejection and dejection.
The soul mad with pain 
From the icy understanding
Of how arctic the cold
Of alienation can be
The freezing waves
Of dismissal and failure
Like piercing knives
That twist in the soul, 

Cutting to ribbons the shores
Of this sea of the moon,
A raw, bitter cold
That harshly emanates
Throughout the psyche
On nights we are a castaway in this sea. .


Sea Of Knowledge

Depths are fathomed here
In transparencies of moonlight
As fathoms have come to be reckoned,
And knowledge increases
As milestones are measured
After nights and nights of hard study of the stars
That render a direction and reveal new lands
And new stars
In the Sea of Knowledge
In whose tides all the elements and sets of knowledge reside,
Lapping the shores of new limits
Within the nets of the mind
Where men are forever questing and fishing and testing
This waving surface that expands
For the truth at the bottom of this sea


Ocean of Storms

 Here the waves rise 
To the height of great precipices
And the storm of the century 
Lurks in the nursery of typhoons
That spins at the heart of this ocean,
Pouring to Earth every night

Never-ending tempests
Assailing the etheric space between 
The Moon and Earth
In savage storms at the core of the psyche.
Wiser are those voyagers who weather 
The waves of this ocean
And confront all of life's conflicts bravely as they can,
No matter the magnitude of the storm,
And withstand the insane ferocity
Of the typhoons that emanate from this ocean
That teaches bravery


Sea of Crises

Relentless anguish
Of one long emergency,
The waves of crises that will not stop.
Their crash 
Sweeping through the hearts 
Of unfortunate millions,
Dashing their hopes
Like countless ships upon a reef
Coming in wave after wave in a wild storm
For a lifetime of ship-wrecked schemes and dreams,
A loss of substance 
Of all that life means.
Until it is nothing more than
The sheer challenge to survive,
And should you survive your own drama
Perchance you might come to be a witness to history and see
The peril of good succumbing to evil
Before your eyes,
And to understand that this is 
How it always is
Inside the Sea of Crises
That consumes planet Earth in its invisible waves.  
 Sea of Fecundity
Luxurious waves 
Abundant with the riches of the moon
Lap the shores of the night.

Each wave replete with  the nutriments
That feed the fields of Earth.
Milky waves 
Carrying the sustenance of moonlight
Through space
To all the flora that need it,
A light teeming with fertility
That stirs the imagination,
Gifting souls with creativity 
Who stare with appreciation 
At the moon
And receive the aliment of intuition



About Me

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Greetings, My name is Jon Landon. I am a native of the San Francisco Bay Area. I I can write everything from Poetry to Technical Writing, I am a UC Berkeley Alumni ('88)