Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Escalator to the Engines of the Juggernaut

Concourses of auroras
Shimmer in exigence, 
Floor after nimbus-ringed floor escalading
Into the modern heavens-
An efflux of light
Extending infinitely  
Inside atomic casinos and  cosmic department stores

Quanta into the atomic shell of matter-energy!
Every nanosecond 
Excited particles bursting their orbit
Constant transformation,
A foray into the axis of reality
Of the nervous system and the universe
Instantaneously exploding
Inside a manikin’s head
On a cybernetic journey

Naked clotheshorses of bodies 
Drifting past in rows of automatons
In need of a revolution.
A cellular march of manikins up the linear/non-linear escalator,
The plastic presentation of the fake world
Pursued by computerized shadows in electronic steady state,
Their partial derivative with respect to time, zero
Yet action from a distance,  quantum entanglement of
Naked, artificial bodies within the matrix
Ascending and descending
Toward the mental economy of vacuum state,
Propagating information and devouring it
Quantum splitting within the neurons of the brain-
Atomic particles divided infinitely into series
Like the cyber-digitized flight of Zeno’s arrow
That lands when and where it wills

The smallest particle imaginable
Ascending and descending a
Nautilus of steps:
Cyclone of galaxies and the neurons of the conjunctiva,
Pathways of lightning
Spiral staircases, helices of DNA!
Approach of the hawk to its prey and the moth to the flame
Wheel of Sun flowers
Finger prints of a child
Spira Mirabilis!
All Spira Mirabilis!

The whirl of an orbit
And a magnetized particle’s target of interest
Is itself at the end of the collider,
Piercing the veil of the substrate,
And the particle accelerator inside a television 
Tuned into thousands of realities
That manikins travel in multitudes

All in obedience with the juggernaut
Up the escalator, ineluctably stuck,
The hero jammed in the machinery 
That must be fed.
Lost in the incest of the moment,
Lost in the alienating journey
To solve the riddle of the Sphinx
Surviving somehow so far
Consumer hell and the karma of all creation,
Riding an escalator.
Revolving, evolving track, autotelic- having within itself the purpose
Of its existence, end in it itself, the engine
The hero, the manikins and the escalator will never cease.
Sex and money will never cease.
Magneto of particle generators, progeny, words
And uploads of information will never cease
Every day consumed 
Beneath the wheels of the juggernaut,
The vision of the machinery of the universe 
That never ceases,
Climbing or descending the archipelago of electric stairs that drift
Like continental plates above a magma of semiotics,
Concrescence of mind in hypertrophic piles high in the atmosphere
Like lava streaming down, carpeting the mesocosm in wifi,
In information hidden in the air.
One escalator ascending, one descending
The machine living in nanoseconds, alive
As cybernetic phantoms filter past, going up and down,
Luminous manikins of the skandas-
All magical beings captured in electronic illusion
Like consumer manikins in the cosmic, cybernetic marketplace
Caught on the escalator to the engines of the juggernaut


Every step a
River of gorgeous, linguistic steel rolling like dice, aleatoric, stretching 
Game theory to its breaking point,  but kept in train by perfections of
Cybernetical logistics and the ancient fundament of Logos, flurries of 
Data  keystrokes like diamonds register on the screen of the third eye, 
The air before us a glowing aureate computer monitor, eyes closed,
Birds with the faces of little girls sing, hunting for seeds of energy that
Grow into dolls and become real babies in fields of electricity inside
Millions of miles of wiring! and the worming escalator suddenly explodes 
Into snakes of Medusa’s hair 
That a winged Perseus stabs with 
The aid of mirrors.  
Ascending, foot jammed in 
The machine, Oedipus
Answers the riddle and the abyss erodes
An avalanche of all that bedevils vomited back up
Into a mountain rising from the seas of void
In a pile of language
To be sculpted into august verse
By poets, who tomorrow shall seek the ineffable.
All the Holy Grail of a knight’s Quest.toward perilous places
Inside the world 
Found in virtual reality
The eternal hero escalates and escalates a crisis
Unforeseen, the wound, the wound is its own medicine, the wound of 
The objective world

Consciousness precedes matter. 
Essence precedes existence.
First person, reflexive pronoun?, the machine asks. 
Yes, I say.  I see myself.
I see myself here, in which I am my own authentic history
And my own authentic death,
And greatly outnumbered by a simulacrum of manikins drifting past
And they programmed to see me as nothing more than a manikin, too
All of us in need of a revolution, 
Of an escape from the machine,
Stacked in escalators like the opening to the Hot Gates
And like mindless Persians 
I slay them all, for I am their mental creatrix
And am in turn created  and slain by them.
I look at the world and I only see shadows that tumble down 
Through the planes of heaven,
A work of madness
By an insane demiurgos! Ialdabaeoth!
I am confounded and confused by thy juggernaut and its machines. 

Me, the hero, the manikin among manikins 
Inside Spiritus Mundi
But the scene is captured on a computer screen in pixilations;
An orchestra of security cameras perform a fantasia of paranoia
Pixilating my face, up close, revealed in
Dismembered propositions from which subject, observer, and object 
Have been wrenched free and restructured into an invisible,
Subliminal discourse which owes its cogency to its own strict,
Complex and secret logic... a plurality of overlapping logics.
Vertigo, rapture, transport, crystalline and plangent sounds, 
Shattered and refracted light, an astigmatical illusion - indefinite depths, 
Weightlessness, piercing odors and tastes, and synthesizing 
These sensations and affects, an all-consuming clarity. 
A  panesthesia of the Immanent 
In which all elements speak in ghostly fields of the invisiblle
Range of electro-magnetic energy.
Opening the door on voidness of identity,
The arising of a notion of self 
That plays on ordinary routine, 
Yet comes from out of the unknown,
Emerging familiarly from out of this tiny shell
That dwells at the bottom of the sea of electricity
And lifts in a steel wave that splashes up inside
The skyscraper of language
The escalator to the engines of the Juggernaut
Demiurge of the Western meme
Taken to its extreme;
A world overrun by one consumer culture
In which the past sinks in melancholy
Down the electronic stairs of time
In a cascade of manikin flesh

Frantic runs the mind in voidness,
Yet from the Void it never separates.
Clear awareness floods everywhere,
And though everywhere, nowhere is an identity found.

A maniken that passed me, going down, staring into empty space
Was overheard saying,
“Have you ever wondered
How far, just how far
You are
To have arrived here?”. 
And his wife added, “Welcome to the Machine".
And another manikin added, “we are just part of a system.”.
And another, “we are just part of a deluded system.”.
And another, “we are just sentient beings.”.
And another, “we are just deluded sentient beings.”.
And another, “we are just deluded sentient beings part of a deluded system.”.
The rest of the manikins just bleated like sheep in silence.

The Atman is the witness-consciousness that experiences the action, the actor, and the world of separate things. It is like a light that illuminates everything in a theater, revealing the master of ceremonies, the guests, and the dancers with complete impartiality. Even when they all depart, the light shines to reveal their absence. 


About Me

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Greetings, My name is Jon Landon. I am a native of the San Francisco Bay Area. I I can write everything from Poetry to Technical Writing, I am a UC Berkeley Alumni ('88)