"Therefore, do I tear at your web, that your rage may lure you out of your den of lies, and that your revenge may leap forth from behind your word 'justice'".
Thus Spoke Zarathustra, XXIX The Tarantulas,
Friedrich Nietzsche.
I see the "Tarantulas"
Crawling out of their foul holes
Of Marxist Conflict theory,
Scrambling out of their manifold tunnels
Of noisome Critical Theory,
Clambering from out of their benighted dens
Of Post-Modernist theory,
Creeping from out of their chthonic burrows of moral insanity
Reaching all the way to hell.
I see the moonlight of all these aberrant theories
Grossly illuminating their demented, night eyes.
There they balefully crawl on bristling legs,
Their casuistries clamoring against injustice and oppression,
Depravedly hustling for power,
A cunning rampage of psychopaths
Charged with the venom of resentment and revenge,
Their beguiling fraud creeping everywhere
With stunning perfidy,
Beware the "Tarantula Hawk" whose sting shall devoureth...
I see inside their despotic dens a morass of silk webs,
The tangled threads of their paralogical dogma
With which they decree a specious morality
That has established its dark, spurious reality
Across the terrain of Western man,
A series of thick epistemological webs and tripwires
Lain everywhere, seizing and confiscating truth and reality.
Long have they plotted.
Decades spent digging deep underground,
Crafting their devious, insidious holes,
Slowly undermining the normative terrain.
More than a hundred years of laying filthy germ
Dormant for decades, yet the slow, steady increase
Of their pathological number over time
In every subverted cranny of the terrain.
And now the explosion of a deluded, insane population
Of tarantulas across the land, invading and trampling
The schools, the media, the companies, the churches, the family,
And even the State,
Injecting tyrannical toxins into them masked as virtue,
Destroying them.
With these manipulative falsehoods they have bitten many
Weak, cowardly, and idiotic mice
Vulnerable to the tarantulas' potent, psychopathic poisons,
Poisons that have rendered them semi-dead
But still very useful
To spreading Tarantula morality and pseudo-reality,
Idiot mice useful to the Tarantulas' larceny,
Idiot mice useful to the Tarantulas' moral extortion,
Idiot mice useful to the Tarantulas' great swindle.
The Tarantulas' poisons making them giddy,
Turning them into "flying monkeys"
Who chant the Tarantula slogan, "DIE!"
Beware the "Tarantula Hawk" whose sting shall devoureth...
The warped lens of their Tarantula vision
Seeing only in black and white,
A twisted perception of hypocrisy and bigoted fanaticism
Myopic in its self-righteousness,
Focused on dismantling all before them
That they brand and whip as evil,
Yea, even if it be an entire civilization itself.
I see them scamper fervidly toward their false horizon,
Envisioning a scam utopia which awaits the world
Upon the plenary realization of their false, corrupt ideology.
There they psychopathically trample
Everything in their path to reach this place
That is literally "nowhere". Wherever it be,
Mayhem, mass torture and murder are the likely terminus.
With cultic zeal they claim that they are conductors of lightning
For a day of cosmic justice that will come
When all Tarantulas are liberated from the trauma
Of the all-encompassing oppression which they allege they suffer,
A day to come only when they obtain complete control
And their revolution is permanent,
Their tyranny forever advancing in all directions...
Beware the "Tarantula Hawk" whose sting shall devoureth...
Note: A tarantula hawk is a spider wasp (Pompilidae) that preys on tarantulas. Using a sting to paralyze the tarantula before dragging it to a brood nest as living food; a single egg is laid on the victim, hatching to a larva which then eats the still-living prey.