Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Palladium of Sphinxes


Darkly in most underivable black.
Veiled in interior shadows,
Temple reliquaries of this morning's dream
Like a saint's skull studded in jewels
Hushed away inside inviolable chambers.

A palladium 
At the center 
Of my dreams
All remembrance of a dream

Surrounded by rows of Sphinxes
Before a sacrosanct sub rosa.
Stern barricades of lion bodies-
Eagle-winged, serpent-tailed-
With riddling faces of women,

"There are two sisters; 
One gives birth to the other,
Who in turn gives birth to the first. 
Who are they?" 

The entrance of subterranean inner mazes
Barred to my unclean soul 
That fain would dare to venture
Here into such mysteries.
These Sphinxes
Impounding the water of anamnesis
Night after night, 
Life after life.
Bringing countless dawns
In the dismal, thirsty wastes 
Of my forgetfulness

Midnight blue 
They guard my pillows, pacing
Behind dense, censored billows
Of incense pouring
From censers redolent of dreams

They sequester imagery
On distant islands from the world cut-off:
Fragmentary body 
Of a female mystagogue, 
I see her only dress,
The extravagant incense of the Holy Spirit
Pouring from the vortex 
Of the thurible she whirls-
The condensation of a dream
In smoke
Spinning in centrifuges of latent dream
Spun throughout the air.
Rings of incense spiraling
Inside of dreams enchained,
As she with sistrum dances away
Beyond the threshold of all recall,
Swaying behind the palladium.
And I unfitted to detect in dream
Any scent
Absorb the truth in wakefulness
That I am not able to breathe a word
Of Her forbidden epistles
Written in those sweet clouds of incense

In her place
Every morning
These sphinxes
Who patrol the vertigo realm
Of amnesia.
Oh, imago ignota!
My soul adrift in the waters of Lethe.
Cast on the shores of oblivious Hypnagogia
Inside the furtive, enigmatic land of Theta
Hidden in the hinterland of penumbras,
Occulted along the displaced border of a dream
In which eyelids flutter
Like curtains hit by high winds
Opening upon a receding stage displaying
A frontier rarely remembered

These sphinxes , 
Satin pawed, silken clawed, velvet mawed
Teeth of ivory glistening like tall gates
They come tomorrow to drink my dreams!   
Ever invigilating and circumambulating 
In increasingly narrow passes 
Of nightly inquest closing in
In countenances of holy jealousy.
Every dawn,
Inhaling the oneiric flesh of the evinced dream
At the hour of  my waking, dawn after dawn,
As they sit commandingly atop
The Wheel of Fortune,
Falchions bared in blue fists
Armored in clouds
From which aloof tetramorphs stare
Into cosmic dramas of the quarternion universe
That contain realities beyond all coping

Prophecies fomenting there
That only ancient seers penetrate,
An argosy of terrifying futures
Across the seas of mind

That only ancient seers penetrate,
An argosy of terrifying futures
Across the seas of mind
Oneiromancies spoken by soothsayers
Before bewildered kings
As empires crumble
And masses are displaced and dwindle
In a carnage of dreamers.
From such dreams as these
This one cosmic man is spared, for now

Yet these sphinxes I see beside my dreams
Casting silver beams
From out of indigo eyes
That invigilate my mind
Without reprieve, I a pariah
Expelled and left out of their arcana
As they stymie elaborate cogs of dreamworks
Spinning round and round inside my hypostasis


Aromas of astral scenes,
Sweet trail of star thoughts, 
Spiral of lingering perfume left on the pillow 
By a vanished woman…

Eau de etoile, Water of stars
Condensed haze of forms, 
Sweet sweat of emptiness 
Dripping, musical nocturnes 
Filled with the perfume of rain and night.
Played by women in silence
On ancient stringed instruments
In soundless adytums. 

Holy secrets whispered before altars 
Of ancient gods strewn with flowers.
Time’s mysteries transumed 
Across bridges of secrets
Never to be known

All substance and function of a dream
Passing through the petaled gates
Of horn and ivory,
Climbed by swelling balloons of 
Nepenthe flowers
Blossoming in rare mirabilia 
Inside the roaring, implausible 
Wilderness of prima materia

Of no scents and no shadows 
Because in dream 
We drown in Marie’s perfume
Because in dream 
All is the menstruum of her light 
Because in dream 
Shadows are emulsified to her milk

Richly and rightly I am rewarded 
With ribbons of rainbows and halos of gold
Surrounding her breasts 
Of wonderful dreams tonight
Of fabulous duration,
I mouth exclamations 
Of universal sighs,moans, and hunger

Within the vast, private glades of soul 
Cultivated by Micro-Anthropos, The Cosmic Man,
Gentleman gardener of the cerebral hemispheres  
Gloved in  the hippocampus, riding a seahorse 
Working in the rich soil of nocturnal noesis 
Every night 
On this nightly estate of prima materia ... 
Convoluted in spiral chambers like a seashell 
That secretes oceanic secrets 

Oh no, yet still these sphinxes!

They looking down 
At my somnolent husk 
Of my husky soul 
Sleeping with my Sister,

Drenched in sleeps of The...

Definite article of waking 
The bed and the pillow - 
God's pillow, God's bed 
English The/                              Theos 
Spanish El/                               El, Elohim -

And It's all God's to the last article! 
God’s teeth, god’s nails, god's blood 
God's crisscross


Save us all from this bloody consanguine sleep in the seas of Mother Mary who squirted thee as fish to save us from the rocks, from the stones of god, who were supposed to save us from your father, your mother of such quick, bestial faces! As these that steal dreams of their eternal medicine and hope!  Agghhh...

Unschooled by the oceanic realities
In which I swim 
Like a fish not knowing it is in water 
My naked anguish billows and waves 
Across the waters of my soul 
Lost in the salt of oceanic tears 
At the terror of your storms, God,
At the terror of your shores, 
At the terror of your mountains
And your desserts that spill 
As streets across the globe of my soul! 
These things just the least of all,
A hundred million more small 
And humiliating and frightening,
And all having to do  
With people.

Oh, indefinite article of dreams... 
Ah...         A.       so clear;      Alpha/Aleph
That place of the Rose, this sanctuary of the Lotus
Abracadabra. Thunder from the void 
The raising of an eyelid and          another?        Dawn? 
Rub your eyes very hard;
Seeds of kaleidoscopes, rays
And whorls of electric colors, 
The infinite tumbling of vorticular skies... 
The dancing waves of multi-chrome tides across 
These seas of our eyes 
If only those tetramorphs would peek out at us
From all of these satiny, staticky clouds
That house their lightning.

And I ask, 
Why does this world conceal itself from us? 
Hiding itself behind us, leaving us to look in front 
Away from our dreams and 
Into time, eye to devouring eye 
With these sphinxes 
That take all manner of shape 
In the mad fantasy of day and night
That revolve in the melting heat of light and sun 
Of memory's reflections confronting us
With the harsh vagueness of ourselves
Who would remember 

Oh, let me sleep with my sister

Oh, but my sister flees me 
With an insistent shake of her wrist, 
"It is time to wake,” she says, 
"Get up.  Time to stop" 
Close lidded, face askance, 
Turning round the corner 
Of her eye to look at me and depart 
Drifting across the room, slowly, delicately,
Definitely away in a night gowned step, 
Inapproachably beyond 
All my blandishments and fulsome cries 
Down through the silent carpeted halls, 
Through the doors 
And into the street 
Into the world, 
Oh, my sister, oh my daughter,
Oh you sphinx of sphinxes, 
Coming to, devouring, and leaving me 
In my gilded bed of nails 
Rousing and arousing me to a lusty violence 
And in time, a hate of lust 
And forcing me back out into your 
Impossible world of reality,
Away from your charms. 
 Oh, why is it is so hard 
To be personal with a woman? 
Why are they so much like dreams? 
Why is there day? 
Why can't we just sleep 
With the women of our dreams 
In the magical landscapes of our hearts? 
Oh, woman, sister, now my daughter, come to me!

My joy is your ecstasy 
I only live to plant fire in your loins, fire 
Rising and rustling up the hairs of your back 
And to the end of your tresses, 
Consuming you and lifting you onto to the tip 
Of a flame drifting into the sparks of stars. 

Let us lie half-asleep where come
Only saffron and magenta sunrises that find us
In each other’s arms 
After a night of only ever increasing midnights, 
Forever a second away from zenith 
Of incandescent moons with beams of argent fire 
Shaking like our bodies 
On the rich sheets of celestial, cerebral hemispheres 
To stand guard over our dreams
With the arsenal of orgasms 
To fire at these sphinxes that come
To supplant our bliss 
With waking forgetfulness,
Unable to remember the simplest dream;
Our heart's desire

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Greetings, My name is Jon Landon. I am a native of the San Francisco Bay Area. I I can write everything from Poetry to Technical Writing, I am a UC Berkeley Alumni ('88)