Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Empty Mirror

Space to the mirrored eye,
Time to the artery,
Eros to Agape’
Ecstasy to enstasy.

The silver passage between
The external and the internal,
A perfect building
Of stillness rising into
The architecture of the Original Face

Unfathomable absorption in stillness
Gazing into my face in a mirror,
Into my eyes, into my pupils
Further and further into absorption
Until my face disappears
From the surface of the mirror
And my mind is saturated in silver,
Saturated by the blindness of a mirror

The intensity of my gaze increases
As the assemblages of my mind and body
Scale to a higher octave 
And I vanish in the silver of non-reflection.
The stillness like a rippleless lake
Until I cannot gaze any further, too saturated
By my absence throughout the mirror,
Only my Original Face gazing at me
Until all I am able to feel is the enstasy of
Space to the mirrored eye,
Time to the artery
Eros to Agape’

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Greetings, My name is Jon Landon. I am a native of the San Francisco Bay Area. I I can write everything from Poetry to Technical Writing, I am a UC Berkeley Alumni ('88)