Sunday, August 11, 2019

When The Angels Bid Us Drive Nails With Their Feathers.

There are times,
Times that come down to the shudder of moments
When we have
                                    no choice
                                    but to hammer
                                    a nail
                                    into empty space
                                    and hope
                                    that it holds.

And this can be done
                        the elements of existence
                        don't move,
                        nor do they come from anywhere
                        yet they lead everywhere
                        extending in endless circles
                        that come to an imaginary point
Meaning our aim must be good,
Meaning our aim must be true,
Must realize that what it is aimed at
Is nothing but emptiness
That our object is nothing
But ourselves, a transparency and a clarity
With which we pound nails into the world
With our heart to build an unending structure
Within our blood worthy of a god to live in
When faith is the hammer
And courage the nail

Times of cruciality when all that we are
Is compressed
Our life's foundation impacted like a bell struck on the hour
From every direction
And what we know as self an incomplete house
That needs to be expanded

When the angels fold their wings
And bid us attempt to drive nails with their feathers,
Dancing on the pinpoints of endless creation,
Bending our daedal wills to the vacuity, carpentering essence.

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Greetings, My name is Jon Landon. I am a native of the San Francisco Bay Area. I I can write everything from Poetry to Technical Writing, I am a UC Berkeley Alumni ('88)